Today marks a great day for The Young Ohana. . .
We finally were able to purchase a washer and dryer. They were delivered this morning and I have never been so happy to do laundry in my life.
Thanks to all of you who kindly let us do laundry at your house for the last 5 months. You have no idea how much we appreciated it although now we will have to find new excuses to come see you!!
.........other than that, not much going on here. We have the flu (hopefully not the swine) so we have just been eating lots of soup, loading up on airborne and orange juice, and bummin around the house. livin the life ;)
p.s. Has anyone seen that video on the news about the pro cheerleader who got the swine flu vaccine and it crippled her for life.??? ommmg I can't stop thinking about it.
haha k bye.
Congrats on the new washer and dryer. Funny what things we get excited about now days!